School Uniform
- We encourage all pupils at Sherington to wear our school colours. Our school colours are blue and grey.
- School uniform is available from on a non-profit basis.
- We ask you to ensure all items of school clothing and footwear are clearly marked with your child's name.
- PE and games kits should be in a suitable named bag. The bag needs to fit on your child's cloakroom peg as we are very short of space in the cloakroom.
- In the very cold weather the children are permitted to wear tracksuit bottoms or leggings for PE outside.
- Lost property - a central collection of lost property is kept in school and parents are welcome to examine this on request.
- For Health and Safety reasons we ask that children DO NOT wear jewellery for school.
- Thank you for your support in this matter.
- plain white blouse/shirt
- grey skirt or pinafore or trousers
- checked or striped blue dress in the summer
- school sweatshirt
- comfortable non-slip shoes
- navy shorts, a white t-shirt and plimsolls are required for PE
- plain white or grey shirt
- grey trousers or grey shorts in the summer
- school sweatshirt
- comfortable non-slip shoes
- navy shorts, a white t-shirt and plimsolls are required for PE