21 July 2011
- Our Summer Educational visit was a day at Harrold & Odell Country Park. Park Ranger Janet led us in a series of interesting outdoor activities looking at the environment, sustainability and variation in living things. Back at school the day inspired several more days of writing and Art work as well as reviewing aspects of the science curriculum.
- The Community Cohesion programme continues to develop, not only through our ongoing work with partners from Emberton and St Andrew's, but also with visits from other contrasting schools. This time it was Year 1 from Germander Park School in Conniburrow who came to spend the day with us. With some shared writing and sports activities in the morning we spent the afternoon studying St Laud's Church and Rev Pam Fielding kindly conducted the naming of a Teddy Bear gift from our children to our visitors. "Germander Bear" will hopefully remember the day with as much affection and enjoyment as we all did.
- Our Induction programme for the new intake of children is well underway with home-visits, parent's induction meeting and school sessions all successfully undertaken with smiles and new friendships made.
- Our three-school sports festival was full of fun and fitness with our thanks to Sarah Taylor, SSSCo, for a year's advice and coordination of high quality sporting activities. Our in-house Sport's evening was keenly contested with the 'Red' team led by captain Alexander triumphant this year even though all were winners on the day.
- Staff held a celebration evening for Emma Ravilious our HLTA who leaves us to pursue teacher training and we are very pleased to announce that Donna Ramsden will be our new HLTA from September and that 'old girl' Angela Lea will also take up a one year Teaching Assistant post.
- The final act in our Creative Partnership with Emberton School was a Year 2 Geography-initiated 'ramble' over the fields and hills to join them for lunch in the park and an afternoon's reflection.
- The Year 2 children celebrated their 'Graduation' with a leaving assembly full of thoughtful reflection of their time with us. We are always sad to see them move on but equally proud of their achievements and the high levels of commitment they show to their learning as well as the strong friendships they have made. Mr Phillip Smith was invited to give a keynote address, Betty Feasey gave each child a prayer book, Rev Pam enjoined us to pray whilst the stalwart PTFA arranged a 'Leaver's and joiners' party to mark the end of this term and to look forward to the next.
- As usual it has been a busy and challenging year. We would like to thank those mentioned above, my colleagues in school and all our supporters who give of their time and talent to help us keep Sherington CE School a vibrant and exciting place to work and learn. Have a good summer break.
Colin Storey, Assistant Headteacher & Nigel Anderson, Governor Vice-Chair