22 July 2012
- As one pupil expressed it when recalling her memories of her time at Sherington School 'we have been very busy'.
- Our Three School Creative Partnership came to a glorious end with the work of artists Pippa North and Yaw Asiyama. The combination of these two very different talents following on from the earlier work by Liz Sharp and Carol Smith led to some stunning creativity by the children. Each child completed a souvenir scrapbook of work across this project. Many thanks to colleagues from Emberton and St Andrew's Schools for their professional involvement and support above and beyond their normal full school workloads.
- Educational Studies Student teacher Miss Christiana Hankins came for one day and stayed for ten to complete a dissertation on the workings of a small school. In between her own studies she became an active practitioner helping across the school on a variety of tasks.
- Old friends from Germander Park School, Conniburrow, MK came to study the village alongside Sherington children for their summer Geography topic. They then stayed to join us for a camp-out on the school field with an exciting den-building session organized by CJ from the MK Play Association the following morning. Once again many people gave of their time and energy to make this a special community occasion. Also many thanks to those who saw us walking about the village and commented favorably on the children's demeanor and friendliness and hard work
- Our scheduled Sports Evening was a victim of the repeated monsoon-like showers making the school field muddy and slippery. These conditions however did not deter the Governors PR Committee, more than ably led by Anita Thatcher from organizing and running a magnificent 'summer' Fete alongside St Laud's Church and Sherington Pre-School. On a Saturday when many people could have had other things to do they valiantly braved the weather to arrange, organize and clear up after a busy and involved day. Many old pupils returned with parents and friends and it was good to see them all again.
- On this and the weekend of the Fete our Caretaker Barry Tofts did take great care of the school leaving it spic and span for the new week's work ahead
- Our school outing with Emberton School to Harrold Country Park was a fascinating and engaging educational visit that taught staff and children many new things about the natural environment. Thanks to Richard Dowsett, Park Ranger, for his stewardship of our visit.
- We said a fond farewell for the second time to ex-pupil Angela Lea who had been working with us as a Teaching Assistant alongside her college course this year. Angela acquitted herself very well in both fields and we were sorry to see her go and obviously wish her all future success.
- Those memories of time spent at Sherington School were shared at our Year 2 Leavers' Assembly on the last day of term which was, as usual, the perfect occasion for our oldest children to reflect upon their three years with us, to say goodbye to them and their parents and also to recognize the many volunteers and helpers who make our school part of the wider community. To all of which we say HURRAH! and so off to our summer break. CS
If you have a child due to start school in September 2012, or later, but have not yet decided on a school placement and would like to visit Sherington CE School, please call or e-mail us. |
Milton Keynes school term dates up to 2014 - click here |