Parental Involvement
- At Sherington we strongly believe that our children's education and time spent at school is most effective when the school and the family have shared aims and work together in helping children fulfil their potential.
- It is clear that children learn best in an atmosphere where they feel happy, safe and secure, and in order to develop this we encourage all our parents to become as involved and informed as possible. Parent helpers are always welcomed into school, either on a regular basis or an occasional basis. (We ask all our parent helpers to obtain a CRB check.) You may be involved in such activities as mathematics, language games, cooking, art or helping in the library.
- Each term you will receive a curriculum newsletter detailing the areas of study your child will be following. This allows you to support your child at home and for them to bring in artefacts, books, etc. Half-termly 'Open door' sessions allow your children to share their work with you.