Parental Consultations
- We hold formal parental consultations each term and an informal 'open door' session each half-term to view children's work. At the end of each school year parents receive a detailed written report for their child. Staff are, however, always available to discuss any concerns you may have about your child. Please contact your child's class teacher to arrange a convenient time to meet. The Headteacher is always happy to discuss any concerns you may have. It is best to arrange an appointment through the School Secretary.
- We have many occasions throughout the school year when parents are encouraged to participate in the daily life of the school. For example Open Days, Book Week, Curriculum Weeks, Christmas Nativity and Special Assemblies.
"Parents and carers particularly appreciate the fact that their children enjoy school, have the opportunity to develop a healthy lifestyle and say that they feel well informed about their children's progress."
Ofsted 2010