Charging Policy
- The school is required to establish a policy of Charging and Remissions of any Charges.
- Where activities take place in school session time parents will be invited to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of the activity on a pro-rata basis but a pupil will not be debarred from taking part in the activity because his/her parents cannot or will not contribute. However, if insufficient voluntary contributions are forthcoming it may be necessary to cancel the activity.
- Where activities take place outside school session times, charges will be levied as appropriate.
- Any application for a full or partial remission of charges will be considered by the Headteacher, in consultation with the Chair of Governors.
- Appropriate charges may be made for cookery activities and craft materials.
- Parents will be invited to make a contribution to meet the cost of damages or breakages where this is a result of their child's deliberate action. This will include the cost of damaged, defaced or lost reading and/or library books.