Life at Sherington School
- The back door is opened each morning at 8.50 a.m. For safety reasons please can children come into school by walking along the playground and up the steps to the BACK DOOR, avoiding the car parking area. The children learn this very quickly and have no problems. The side door is for adults and visitors.
- When money is sent into school for any reason, please ensure it is in a sealed envelope clearly marked and hand in to the office of the School Administrator.
- Please make sure children have PE kit in school and that plimsolls fit. All clothing must be named.
- We have a weekly 'Treasures Assembly'; this works in groups. A notice is posted on the classroom doors so that the children know when it is their turn. "Treasures" means simply bringing into school a treasure - something like a lovely shell or stone, something old or new, a piece of art work or a precious possession (but, please not a bag full of toys).
- Once a week during assembly, we have a Golden Book/Smart Award. Children's names are put in here for a variety of reasons including work, good behaviour and acts of kindness. They each receive a sticker for achievement.
- Each term we offer formal parent consultations. For these, appointment lists are put up in school prior to the dates and parents are requested to sign against a suitable time.
- For our Christmas Party we rely on parental contributions. A list is put up in school and parents are requested to sign against the item they are willing to contribute.
- Bags/Rucksacks - children need only bring a lunch box and their reading folder to school. Space is limited in the cloakroom area.
- Headlice - we rely on parents to inform us of an outbreak.
- There is a PTFA Parents notice board in the porch and all notices of events are posted here.
- Children are encouraged to eat a piece of fruit or raw vegetable during playtime. This fruit or vegetable is, at present, supplied through a 'Free Fruit' scheme. (We are a healthy school and operate a Healthy Food policy).
- Lunch Boxes - Please ensure that your child's lunch box is clearly labelled as many are the same. Our mid day supervisor encourages the children to eat but never forces them. - Sweets, fizzy drinks, cans and glass bottles are not allowed.
- At the end of the school day - 3.10pm - please come into the playground and collect your child from their class teacher.