Village Hall
- The Village Hall, founded in 1929, hosts many village activities, including Pre-school, Short Mat Bowls Club, Youth Club, Historical Society, New Thursday Group, plus various special events. It is available for hire.
Hall Hire |
Hire charges from February 2018

Bookings Clerk
Tony Pilcher - 2, The Knoll. Sherington, MK16 9NZ
Tel: 01908 211000 for bookings (evening / answerphone)
Mobile: 07860 370558 (Bookings issues / keys)
Email: [email protected]
Our village hall is in use most days during school term time and can also be busy on Saturdays. To ensure we manage bookings fairly and efficiently, our booking clerk will reply to each request in arrival order (where there is more than one) and hold a date that is available for hire for 24 hours only, pending a hirers reply confirming they wish to go ahead with a booking.
The hall will be considered "booked", only when a deposit /hire fee requested by written invoice has been received into our account.
Regular Bookings Timetable - Example 2018
This table summarises the main regular bookings. Further details of availability, including times and charges, can be found by downloading the Hall Timetable. (Word 2007 document)
Day | Morning | Afternoon | Evening |
Monday | Pre-school | Bowls | 'Fitter Life' Exercise Class |
Tuesday | Pre-school | Available | Wk 1 Available Wk 2 Historical Society Wk 3/4 Available Lace Group in small room |
Wednesday | Pre-school | Ballet with Melanie | Youth Club |
Thursday | Pre-school | Ballet with Melanie | Wk 1 Ladies Group Wk 2 Folk Music Workshop Wk 4 Horological Institute |
Friday | Pre-school | Pre-school | Bowls |
Saturday | 08:30 - 23:59 Main Hall Available every Saturday - All day | Whole Day Saturday hire or Minimum 2 hour Saturday hire for local clubs | Minimum Standard Saturday hire is 3 hours (children's party) |
Sunday | Committee Room only (for small quiet meetings) | Main Hall closed for cleaning and maintenance. | NO MAIN HALL SUNDAY HIRE |
Regular hirer bookings are fixed 3 months in advance
Pre-school and Youth Club sessions are booked for Term time only
Contact our booking clerk for casual hire and bookings in non-term time. A casual hirer may also negotiate directly with a regular user to accommodate a change. N.B. Fixed statutory obligations (polling day etc) will take precedence over regular hire.
Event Hire: A bond of £100 in addition to our hire charge is always taken in advance of a public or Saturday 'event' and may be encashed where damage or poor cleaning is evidenced following the hire.
Regular Hire: Where our Caretaker or Booking Clerk observe that our hall is not left clean and tidy, or has not been used in accordance with our "conditions of hire", or where written complaints are regularly received, future sessions may be terminated.
The light and airy Main Hall is 15M long by 9.2M wide overall, with additional kitchen, bar, toilet and storage areas.
There is a moveable stage at one end (usually to the right of the main door).
Centre height of the hall is 3.5M, over an area of 15M by 6M, this height reduces to 2.2M over an area of 15M x 3.2M toward the back wall of the hall.
To the left of the main entrance and to the front is a Committee room, which doubles as a beverage servery with a bar style opening into the main hall.
Also to the left of the main door and to the rear of the hall is a Kitchen with a Bar style servery opening to the main hall.
Facilities included in the hire and nearby
- Shared on-site car-park and adjacent children's play park.
- All heating & light.
- Separate Kitchen / servery with "burco" electric boiler for hot drinks preparation. Continuous hot water for washing up to a S.S sink. 4 ring domestic gas cooker, single oven & eye level grill. No cutlery or crockery provided.
- Committee room / Bar area (if hired).
- Toilets.
- 10 long trestle tables
- 2 long folding tables
- 13 small folding tables
- 10 folding card tables
- 12 committee room upholstered chairs
- 140 moulded frame stacking chairs
- Capacity:- The hall seats 80 at table, with a capacity for 125 people.
Conditions of Hire
Hire of the Hall is subject to acceptance of the Conditions of Hire.
Premises Licence:
The Premises Licence issued by Milton Keynes Council covers the following activities between 9am and midnight:
- Live Music - Indoors;
- Recorded Music - Indoors;
- Performances of Dance - Indoors;
- Activity similar to live music, recorded music or performance of dance - Indoors;
- Provisions of facilities for making music - Indoors;
- Provision of facilities for dancing - Indoors;
- Provision of entertainment facilities similar to music/dance - Indoors
The maximum capacity is 100 (tables and chairs) or 150 (chairs only).
Please note:
- The information above is as published on the noticeboard at the Village Hall in October 2012. It is recommended that you check in case there have been any subsequent changes.
- All enquiries should be addressed to a member of the Village Hall Management Committee.
Village Hall Management Committee |
- The day-to-day running of the Village Hall is the responsibility of the Management Committee. Since 2001, this has had nine members: five appointed by the trustees and four elected annually at the AGM. However, no elections have yet been held as no candidates have stepped forward.
- In 2009, the Chairman is Jason Giller. Helen Vale (Tel: 216543) is Secretary. The other members have not been publicised.
- The Committee meets formally four times a year to review and discuss any issues with respect to the finances, bookings and maintenance.
2017 AGM
- The 2017 Village Hall Management Committee AGM will be held on
Wednesday 21 June 2017 at 8pm in the Village Hall.
All are welcome to attend. - More committee members are required - Nominations should be made by 14 June 2017 to Helen Vale (tel: 216543), from whom further details are available.
Kay Turrell
Registered Charity |
- The Village Hall is a registered charity (number 300322). Details of the Trustees and the Annual Returns are published on the Charity Commision's website.
- There are 6 Trustees: John Burgess (Tel: 611163), Mike Inskipp (Tel: 216214), Wendy Haynes (Tel: 610981), Jason Giller, Sarah Jackson and John Cook(Tel:610909).
- Financial reports:
Financial Year | Income | Expenditure |
1 April 2006 - 31 March 2007 | £9,326 | £7,992 |
1 April 2007 - 31 March 2008 | £10,050 | £10,391 |
1 April 2008 - 31 March 2009 | £9,963 | £10,314 |
1 April 2009 - 31 March 2010 | £8,715 | £9,584 |
1 April 2010 - 31 March 2011 | £9,313 | £12,118 |
1 April 2011 - 31 March 2012 | £8,452 | £9,168 |
1 April 2012 - 31 March 2013 | £15,400 | £17,430 |
1 April 2013 - 31 March 2014 | £12,025 | £10,130 |
1 April 2014 - 31 March 2015 | £10,773 | £13,150 |
1 April 2015 - 31 March 2016 | £16,496 | £13,150 |
1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017 | £13,405 | £12,765 |