2005 Fete Website
- The 'www.sheringtonfete.org.uk' domain name is about to expire and is not being renewed. The fete website will still be available via the main village website by following the links. It can also be accessed directly by using www.sherington.org.uk/fete
Sherington on Show

- 'Sherington on Show' was held at the Village Hall on the afternoon of 11 October 2008. A surplus of £300 was donated to Willen Hospice.
- Michelle Wing has kindly supplied 8 photographs of the Show.
- Video: Betty's Blades sword dancing on Youtube.
- Mark Vale has kindly supplied 65 photographs of the Show.
Sherington Welcome Pack 2008

- Sherington Historical Society has compiled a 28 page booklet giving details of Sherington's community organisations, facilities and services for the the benefit of new (and existing!) residents. A copy is being delivered to each house in Sherington and it will be available at 'Sherington on Show' on 11 October 2008.
- You can also download a copy. It is a 1.14MB PDF file, which can be viewed using Adobe Reader. It is designed to be printed double-sided on A4 paper and then folded in half - the page numbering will then make sense!
- Click here to download now
Fund Raising
- St Laud's Gift Day on 20 September raised £913.
- New Thursday Group's Charity Coffee Morning on 13 September raised £356.
- Sherington Art's Open Studio on 6 and 7 September donated £125 to Willen Hospice.
Housing Development East Of The M1
- MP Mark Lancaster has written a letter to his constituents on the subject of housing development east of the M1, which might affect the Sherington area. It includes details of how you can register your views, plus his mobile surgery in Sherington. Read it here
The Paranormal in Sherington?

- Sherington is one of five locations in the area featured in a series of films about the Paranormal from Avenge Productions called 'J King's The Haunting' , which was released on the internet in August.
- Avenge Productions is a group of young people (17 to 25 year olds) led by Sherington's Wade Radford (aka J King/Little Radford) and Victoria Howlett. Further details
Trailer Auction
- The annual trailer auction held at the White Hart on 19th July raised £1,200 for Willen Hospice.
Flower Festival and Open Gardens
- The St Lauds Flower Festival, and Open Gardens, was held on 12th and 13th July.
- £1819 was raised.
- Flower Festival Photos courtesy of Kay Turrell.
SHS Scarecrow Competition
- The annual SHS Scarecrow Competition, from 5th to 12th July 2008, attracted 45 entries and was won by 'Mr Pap A Razzi' of 7 Perry Lane.
- Full results and photos
Proposed 40mph Speed Limit
- On 19 June 2008, MK Council formally announced their intention to introduce a 40mph speed limit in Olney Road (the C139) and Gun Lane, as follows. Any objections must be submitted in writing to MK Council by 10 July.
- C139: from a point 361metres south of the Gun Lane junction extending northwards for 1033 metres
- Gun Lane: from the junction with the C139 for 473 metres in a southeasterly direction.
Parish Council - New Councillor
- At the meeting on 6 May 2008, Mrs Lisa Masters of Crofts End was elected as a Parish Councillor to serve on Sherington Parish Council.
May Day Celebrations - 5 May 2008
- The children of Sherington School celebrated the start of May in the traditional manner by dancing around the Maypole on the Knoll on 5 May 2008. There are 21 photos and 14 short video clips of the dancing, the stalls and the yard of ale competition.
Photos - Video clips |
Important Information For All Sherington Dog Owners
- The Parish Council has installed 3 more dog poo bins, bringing the total to 7. The new ones are in Water Lane, the High Street and in the spinney next to the Church. Further details.
- Warning: Milton Keynes Council enforcement officers are now operating in the village and can impose on the spot £50 Fixed Penalty Notices.
Car Parking Outside School
- Milton Keynes Council has made an order which prohibits all vehicles (including parents' cars) from stopping outside the School between 8am and 6pm from Monday to Friday. The order, which came into effect on 11 April 2008, is to help protect the safety of the school children.
Pre-School Spring Fayre
Controversy at the Village Hall
- The April issue of SCAN contains a letter from the Twinning Association, because the Village Hall has turned down their application to use the Hall for the English Cream Tea planned for the afternoon of Sunday 13 May during the visit by Sameon. It appears the Village Hall "do not want to set a precedent", despite the Hall being used on Sundays on several occasions before. The letter queries whether the Village Hall Committee are acting in the best interests of the village. North Crawley and Chicheley Village Halls both accept Sunday bookings.
*** New Village Hall page *** |
Local Charities
- The Charity Commission publishes details of all 190,000 registered charities in England and Wales on its web site. The details include a list of the charity's trustees and the charity's Annual Return (including its annual accounts). Village charities for which information is available are: the Village Hall (registration number 300322), Pre-school (1029333) and the St Laud's Fabric Fund (106942). Also included are other popular local charities such as Willen Hospice (270194) and Keech Cottage (1035089).
- Note: as a religious charity, St Laud's (with the exception of the building) is currently exempt from the need to register. Other village organisations are eligible for charity status, e.g. the Historical Society, but the Charity Commission does not register charities with an annual income below the £5000 threshold.
- Are you aware the Government has a scheme called Gift Aid, intended to encourage donations to charity by boosting their income? All donations (including sponsorship) from individuals who pay income tax are eligible - the government refunds their income tax to the charity. This is worth 28% extra, a figure unchanged in the March 2008 budget. It also applies to donations from companies. This extra income is very valuable - for example, St Laud's could get up to £4000 each year from the Government, simply by arranging its income so that it is eligible to make the claim. This would go a long way to wiping out its £6000 deficit this year, which was reported in the February issue of SCAN. Even a smaller organisation such as the Historical Society could get £250 per year from the Government by exploiting Gift Aid to the full. So, if you pay income tax, don't deprive your favourite charity of this extra income. If you are fundraising, make sure you offer everyone the chance to participate. It's easier than you might think. If you are donating, don't just put your cash in the collection box, tell the collector you would like the Gift Aid to be claimed. Many charities, such as Willen Hospice and Keech Cottage, make this particularly easy, see the website justgiving.com. Details of how the Gift Aid scheme works, plus the appropriate forms for sponsorship/donating/claiming the refund, are available on the HM Revenue and Customs website.
Council Tax 2007/8 |
- The Council Tax for houses in Sherington for the year beginning 1 April 2008 is as follows:
Band | £ | Band | £ | Band | £ | Band | £ |
A | 870.06 | C | 1160.08 | E | 1595.11 | G | 2175.15 |
B | 1015.07 | D | 1305.09 | F | 1885.13 | H | 2610.18 |
- The overall increase in Council Tax since last year is 4.1%. The increases in each component are as follows:
- Milton Keynes Council charge has increased by 3.9%
- Thames Valley Police by 4.0%
- Bucks and Milton Keynes Fire Authority by 5.0%
- Sherington Parish Council by 9.2%
- The Sherington Parish Council Precept for 2008/9 is £20,670 compared to £18,862 in year 2007/08.
- The £1305.09 Band D charge is allocated as follows:
- £1056.35 to Milton Keynes Council
- £144.76 to Thames Valley Police Authority
- £54.95 to Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Combined Fire Authority
- £49.03 to Sherington Parish Council
- The £49.03 Band D charge for Sherington Parish Council compares as follows to other villages in Milton Keynes which also have Parish Councils: Clifton Reynes & Newton Blossomville £15.00, Moulsoe £15.10, Astwood & Hardmead £17.60, Ravenstone £29.45, Hanslope £34.04, North Crawley £42.26, Stoke Goldington £42.30, Emberton £55.45, Weston Underwood £82.96.
Aircraft Flights over Sherington - Consultation

- As you have probably noticed, Sherington lies under the flightpath of many aircraft, particularly those flying north from airports in the London area. Changes to some of these flightpaths are being proposed. Sherington Parish Council has received an email which tells you how to obtain information on how the changes will affect you (by specifying your postcode online). You are also invited to submit comments. The consultation process ends on 22nd May 2008. Further details.
Electricity Cable Undergrounding and New Street Lighting
- Central Networks' project to put their electricity cables underground finally came to a climax with the removal of their unsightly overhead cables this week (beginning 25 February). Their contractors, Alfred McAlpine Infrastructure Services, started work nearly a year ago, laying the new cables and re-connecting every property in the village, a process that had to be completed before the old ones could be removed. At times, McAlpines appeared to be aiming to qualify for an entry in the Guinness Book of Records for the slowest project ever, as they would disappear for several weeks at a time and then come back and dig up the same holes again. However, with the work completed, the improvements in the environment are obvious. Sherington is an attractive village, with parts of it a conservation area - now we can see it without the cables obscuring the view. At the same time, the street lights have been replaced by replicas of the traditional style gas lamps.
- Sadly, BT has so far declined to join in this initiative. Consequently, most of the poles will need to remain, as they still carry the telephone cables. Come on, BT! How about showing more concern for our environment and joining us in the 21st Century with a modern network?
Public Consultation on MK Council's Heritage Strategy
- MK Council are holding a 12 week Public Consultation on the new Heritage Strategy and would like to consult Parish Councils and the Public, i.e. everyone with a real interest in MK’s heritage future, about their views on where money should be prioritised for future Heritage projects – i.e. museums, archives, local landmarks, and more. The deadline for responses is Friday 9th May, 2008. The strategy paper is available to read online, by following this link: Further details and questionnaire.
Milton Keynes Eastern Expansion
- Although it doesn't directly affect Sherington, you may be interested in the exhibition of plans for the Eastern Expansion of Milton Keynes on 13 February 2008. Further details
Parish Council - Vacancy
Vacancy - Fire Authority
- Got a bit of spare time? Would you like to ensure our local Fire Authority is being run properly? Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Fire Authority is seeking three members of the public to join its Standards Committee. Four meetings a year. You are paid an allowance, plus travelling expenses. Deadline for applications: 29 February 2008. Further details
Also download an application form from Fire Authority website
Five Star Swing - 10 January 2008

- Local musician Stephen Davies, along with his colleagues including Chris Smith, has just finished a nation-wide tour of major theatres with the highly acclaimed "Five Star Swing" - a Glenn Miller / Sinatra type show. They have booked the village hall for a concert on Thursday 10 January at 8pm
- Tickets are £8.50 from Virginia House Stores - Full details
- They promise an exciting night with hits from the Swing era - Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Sinatra, "Mr Bojangles" & "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" - plus foot stomping Rhythm & Blues / Jazz.
- Details of their other concerts , plus an opportunity to download their music, can be found on their website www.fivestarswing.co.uk
More... |