Norman Arnold (1927-2006)
- It is with great sadness that we record the death of Norman Arnold on 24th October aged 79. Norman was Chairman of Sherington Historical Society and organised the inaugural meeting of the Society in March 2000. Since then, through his hard work and dedication, he has been the key driving force behind the Society's activities and provided the inspiration for other members. As a result of Norman's vision and energy, the Society's archives in the Village Hall have grown at a considerable rate to provide a lasting record of the village's history for future generations.
- Norman first moved to Sherington in 1983 and ran his Clock repair business in The Corner Store on the High Street until his retirement in 1993. He was a member of the Milton Keynes branch of the British Horological Institute and the Bucks Family History Society. Apart from the Historical Society, Norman made a very significant contribution to village life, having also been Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee, a founder member of the Sherington Short Mat Bowls Club and helping to organise the Scarecrow weeks. He will be greatly missed by his many friends in the village. Our thoughts are with his wife Anita and sons at this time.
Sherington Historical Society Open Day 2006
- The Sherington Historical Society Open Day on 30 September 2006 was very successful. Several hundred people visited the Village Hall during the afternoon to see the Society's archives and well over a hundred paintings by Sherington artists past and present.
- Many photos of the event and the exhibits are now available on the SHS website.
Sherington Show
- The Sherington Show on 16 September raised over £300 for St Lauds church.
Mobile Police Station
- Our local bobby, WPC Julie Willis, will be visiting Sherington regularly with the Mobile Police Station as part of its tour of villages in this area.
- The schedule for the rest of 2006 has now been released. It will be outside the Post Office on Wednesdays approximately every 2 weeks - Full details
Youth Club
- The Youth Club is re-opening on Wednesday 13 September at 7pm in the Village Hall on a six-month trial basis.
- Further details
Diamond Wedding
- Congratulations to Stan and Byng Keech who celebrated 60 years of marriage recently, with a party organised by family and friends, plus a Diamond Wedding card from the Queen.
- They met whilst on active service in the RAF during World War 2 and were married in Aberdeen on 16 August 1946.
Local Web Sites
- Sherington Football Club's website has details of their fixtures, results, match reports, photos and a tongue-in-cheek club history.
- The Swan Inn's web site is currently offline.
Latest School News

- Don't miss the School News page for the latest 'end of term' news from the School. There are photos of the Leavers Assembly and the visit to St Andrews CE School, plus news of this year's excellent SATs results.
- This year, because of the reorganisation of Milton Keynes schools, the School has said goodbye to twice as many pupils as usual. When it re-opens in September after the summer break, the School will be slightly smaller and it will have a new name, Sherington CE School, and logo.
Scarecrow Competition Winners *** Updated on 3 Sept with even more photos! ***
- Children
- Winner: Imogen and Antonia Lawrence (Water Lane)
- Runners Up: Ellie Hunt and her friend Megan (Church Road), Aedine McCabe (Carters Close) and Eleanor Kennedy (Carters Close)
- Adult
- Winner: Peter Soul (Church Road), see below centre.
- Adult/Children
- Winner: Sam and Joshua Brister and Parents, Celia and Mike Wing (Crofts End), see right.
Photos of the winners courtesy of Michelle Lacquiere Click here for 19 more photos! courtesy of Celia Wing and click here for 17 more photos! courtesy of Norman Arnold |
New Rector
- Sherington welcomes the new Rector, Mandy Marriott, who moved into the Rectory in the last week in June. Her Licencing Service was on Monday 10th July at 7:30pm in St. Firmin's Church, North Crawley.
- The Summer Ball on 22 July at Carisbrooke House, organised by Maureen Cook, was attended by 365 people and raised over £20,000 for Willen Hospice. This included the auction by TV star Charlie Ross of a guitar autographed by the Rolling Stones, which was bought for £10,000 by a Newport Pagnell resident.
- The house-to-house collection for Willen Hospice raised £462.97
- The St Lauds Flower Festival and Open Gardens over the 24/25 June weekend raised over £1411.
New Rector
- Sherington welcomes the new Rector, Mandy Marriott, who moved into the Rectory in the last week in June. Her Licencing Service was on Monday 10th July at 7:30pm in St. Firmin's Church, North Crawley.
Sherington Show
- The Schedule and Entry Forms for the Sherington Show on Saturday 16 September 2006 are now available. To download, click on the following links: (small PDF files)
- Schedule - Full details of the classes, times, organisers, etc.
- Entry Form - Print and return to Ella Field, 4 Park Road, with your entry fee.
Parish Plant Sale
- The Parish Plant Sale at the beginning of June was very successful and we did top the plants sold last year. This year over 400 plants were sold, raising in total over £500.
Youth Club - Do you want it to re-open?
- There was a meeting at 8pm on Wednesday 7 June in the Village Hall to discuss the future of the Youth Club. The meeting was open to all adults - not children. Unless more people come forward to help run the club on a regular basis, the club will close.
Willen Hospice Fundraising
- The Beer and Sausage Festival at the White Hart over the May Bank Holiday weekend raised £1068 for Willen Hospice. Over 3000 pints of beer and cider and nearly 5500 sausages were consumed.
May Day Celebrations - 1 May 2006
- May Day was again celebrated in the traditional manner by the children from Sherington School dancing around the maypole on The Knoll.
- A large crowd, including many visitors from the twin village, Sameon in France, watched the proceedings which also included the Fun Run around the village and various stalls.
- 17 photos
Wanted - House Exchange
- Sarah Petrie is seeking a 3 or more bed property in Sherington with a large garden, with a view to exchanging for a 3 bed house in either Oldbrook, in Milton Keynes, or Newport Pagnell. A potential exchange last year fell through.
- If interested, please contact Sarah Petrie, Tel: 01908 605333
Sherington Bridge Development
- The local MP, Mark Lancaster, has written to Sherington residents to reassure them that proposals by a company called Sinclair Deville Ltd relating to development at Sherington Bridge are very speculative and unlikely to be approved. The full text can be read here.
New Rector
- Rev Mandy Marriott, currently Area Dean of Milton Keynes, has been appointed as the new Rector of SCAN Parish. She will start during the summer.
Council Tax 2006/7 |
- The Council Tax for Sherington for the year 2006/7 is as follows:
- Band A - £804.67 Band B - £938.77 Band C - £1072.88 Band D - £1206.99
Band E - £1475.21 Band F - £1743.42 Band G - £2011.66 Band H - £2413.98
- These figures include the charges levied by Sherington Parish Council, the Police and Fire Services, as well as Milton Keynes Council.
- The £1206.99 for Band D is broken down as follows: £43.18 for Sherington Parish Council, £49.86 for Bucks and Milton Keynes Fire Service, £132.58 for Thames Valley Police and £981.37 for Milton Keynes Council.
- There is an overall increase of 5.379% on the year 2005/6. The increase on last year for each organisation is: 16.3% for Sherington Parish Council, 6.38% for Bucks and Milton Keynes Fire Service, 4.99% for Thames Valley Police and 4.95% for Milton Keynes.
- The Sherington Parish Council precept is £18,113 for 2006/7 (£15,750 for 2005/6). Despite the larger than inflation rise for the Parish Council, the Band D charge for Sherington is still £5.15 less than the Milton Keynes average.
Personnel Changes |
- Parish Council. Lara Bruce has taken over as Acting Parish Clerk whilst Wendy Austyn is on maternity leave.
- SCAN Magazine. Mrs Christine Barry, 71A Kilpin Green, North Crawley (Tel: 01234 391328) has replaced Wendy as the Treasurer and Advertising Manager of SCAN magazine.
Temporary Closure of Gun Lane |
- MK Council intends to make an order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 closing the section of Gun Lane alongside the White Hart building site to vehicular traffic. This is to allow the use of a crane to construct the basement of the new building.
- It is expected that closure will be on Monday 6 March from 7.30am to 5.30pm and on Thursday 9 March from 7.30am to 1.30pm.
Perry Lane Sports and Recreation Field |
- Perry Lane Sports and Recreation Field is one of the main village amenities and a programme of improvements is in progress to enhance and revitalise the facilities, organised by Sherington Parish Council together with the Sherington Residents Management Group.
- Work already completed includes: new storage building, car park extension plus new drainage and resurfacing of existing car park, and repairs to the pavilion. The next stage, for which funding is available, includes the installation of a Nature study/Environment area, new equipment for an enlarged children's playground and installation of BMX circuit - work is expected to start in March/April. Future plans are for an all weather/multi sport arena to accommodate 5/7 a side football, netball, basketball, tennis and training facilities plus, if support and enthusiasm is forthcoming, a re-planned and extended pavilion. Further details are given each month in the Parish Council Minutes.
- Although Sherington Parish Council and SRMG will continue to be responsible for future development and funding applications, a new committee is now being set up to be responsible for the management of these facilities, eg: day to day maintenance, negotiating hire charges and handling bookings. A meeting has been arranged at 8pm on 21st February in the Village Hall for all who are interested in having an input.
- For further information, please contact Jeff Charles (Email: [email protected], Tel: 617998, 07709221618 and 07774299257).
Change of Rector |
- After more than 14 years in the village as the Rector, Rev Maurice Stanton-Saringer, has left Sherington (and the SCAN Parish) in January 2006 to take up a new position as Team Rector of Loddon Reach. This is a newly created grouping of villages (including Shinfield, Spencer's Wood and Swallowfield) just south of Reading.
- The village thanks Maurice and Pauline (who was Chair of the Governors of Sherington First School) for their enormous contribution to village life during their time here, and sends its best wishes for the future.
- A new Rector is currently being sought. Any enquiries/comments can be made to the Churchwardens or the Rural Dean, Ian Pusey.
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