So the fete has been and gone for another two years. To all those who took part and those who attended we would like to say
First of all the thank you's:
- To all the stall holders what a brilliant effort you put in to ensure those attending were able to fully enjoy the afternoon.
- To the performers, Cornelius and Sons (great way to start a fete), Melanie's dancers (Fantastic display all the mums and dads must be so proud), Ollie Spring (just right for the fete), CJ's Birds of Prey (liked the area so much didn't want to leave), Jazz Band (chilling out in the afternoon sun) and finally Mikes Line Dancing (great way to wrap up the fete).
- We also have the helpers David, Alan, Geoff, Wendy, Nancy, Trish, our car parking attendants Josh, William and Max, not forgetting the girls from the Youth club who gave out the drinks and snacks to the young children.
We hope that those of you who attended found something that you enjoyed. The weather was great and, even though we were working hard behind the scenes, I certainly felt a great deal of satisfaction from you all.
We have taken on board some of the comments made and for the next fete will put some of them into place.
Finally special thanks go to Peter Burton for opening the fete, judging the Fancy Dress and drawing the raffle tickets. We certainly didn't intend to work you that hard.
Congratulations to the winners of the fancy dress and the Raffle. We still have a couple of prizes not claimed and found two pairs of sunglasses.
See you all again in two years
Jeff Charles 01908 617998 - (and a very BIG thank you too, Jeff, from the village for coordinating everything!)
Raffle no's: yellow 58, orange 183, orange 394

Lots more photos!

2011 Village Fete

Contact:Jeff Charles 617998/ 07527550816[email protected] Alan Ranger 610775 Nancy Duncan 216252 |