Note: The Neighbourhood Plan pages are from the legacy (November 2015) Parish Council website and remain here on a temporary basis as there are external links to this page, whilst the Parish Council completes the transition to its new web site.

Our Neighbourhood Plan
- During Parish Council meeting held on 6 January 2015 it was decided that a Neighbourhood Plan covering the entire Parish would need to be prepared to set out the local community's vision of how Sherington should develop in the period up to 2031.
- The Neighbourhood Plan differs from a Local Plan insofar that it is prepared by local people and not Milton Keynes Council and once approved provides the basis for development planning decisions.
- What is a Neighbourhood Plan? For further information see our FAQ, Neighbourhood Planning (Government website) or our links page.
- A Neighbourhood plan gives us the power, as a community, to mould our growth and future development for next 15 years, to be able to set guidelines for look, density and infrastructure requirements. It is a process that ends with a PUBLIC VOTE to adopt or reject the plan.
Once adopted IT IS A LEGAL FORCE that Milton Keynes Planning and developers have to take into account!
- However this empowerment of the community does not mean that the Neighbourhood Plan can contain whatever we want. Our plan MUST comply with Milton Keynes Core Strategy which requires 20 - 40 homes in the Sherington area.
- The Steering Group led by the Parish Council comprises of Parish councillors along with many local volunteers assisting with the consultation, research and plan preparation. We meet monthly on the last Tuesday of each month - at the Sports Pavilion Perry Lane - at 7.30pm. Please consider joining us as a volunteer, and work towards the future of the village and our community.
To secure that the development of Sherington, over the next 15 years, unfolds in accordance with the wishes of those living and working in the Parish. In particular maintaining Sherington's special rural character, whilst enriching it through thoughtful new development of housing, business and social amwnities, thus ensuring its future as a vibrant, sustainable rural community. |
Help Us!Contributions or comments tothe Steering Committee via: Chairman: Will Bush Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Tel: 07834 997577 Or via the Parish Clerk - [email protected] |
Sign up for monthly updates by contacting [email protected] to add your address or email to the distribution list for the regular newsletter |
More informationFrequently Asked Questions Documents Minutes - Steering Group Links - Background Info |