- The children from Sherington School demonstrated that the English May Day traditions are very much alive and well in this village by dancing around the Maypole at 11am on 5 May on The Knoll.
- The Yard of Ale competition only attracted one male entrant, but one lady also volunteered to have a go. Refreshments were available courtesy of the PTFA, plus stalls manned by Pre-School and the Sherington Historical Society. Philip Smith was again Master of Ceremonies.
** See also the Videos page - 12 short videos of the dancing and 2 of the yard of ale **

Yard of Ale


** See also the Videos page - 12 short videos of the dancing and 2 of the yard of ale **
- Are you interested in having a copy of one of these photos? If so, please Email us. The originals are 2048x1536 pixels, approx 1.7MB.