Local Government in Sherington - Report Problems
Milton Keynes Council
- Most of the facilities in Sherington are provided by Milton Keynes Council, so problems should be reported direct to them. Many of the services are now provided by contractors, rather than by the Council's own staff.
- MKC are the Highways Authority and so are responsible for all related matters, including the roads, footpaths, signs, street lights. They provide the refuse service, empty the litter bins and do street cleaning. The are responsible for the landscape: all grass verges, the Carters Close green and Sherington Mound. They are also the Planning Authority.
- Details of the best method of reporting issues can be found in Report It on the MKC website. For urgent safety-related issues, they advise the public to phone, but for most issues the public should use the online form. This goes direct to the contractor and you get progress updates by email. They issue a reference number which you can quote in subsequent communications. If after using the appropriate service, you do not get a satisfactory outconme, you should escalate it to the Olney Ward Councillors, who will take it up on your behalf.
- There is a separate process for commenting on Planning Applications.
- The public is entitled to attend all MKC meetings, including committees, and can request to speak.
- The 3 Olney Ward Councillors hold a monthly surgery in Olney where the public can raise issues that concern them in person. You can also email them: olneyward@milton-keynes.gov.uk
Sherington Parish Council
- Issues with faciities provided by the Parish Council should be raised with the Parish Clerk. Email: clerksheringtonpc@gmail.com
- Parish Council facilities include: Perry Lane Sports Field and Pavilion, Village Hall Play Area, the shop building, the Knoll, Stonepits Copse, dog bins and the bus shelters.
- The public may attend Parish Council meetings where there is always an agenda item for public comments. If it is a topic which requires discussion by Councillors, it is recommended that the Parish Clerk be contacted in advance so it can be added to the Agenda, otherwise there could be a delay until the next meeting.
- The Parish Council is not responsible for facilities provided by other organisations and can only pass comments on.