Community Organisations
Sherington Welcome Pack - March 2015 Edition |
- Sherington Historical Society has compiled a 28 page booklet giving details of Sherington's community organisations, facilities and services for the the benefit of new (and existing!) residents. The first issue was delivered to each house in Sherington and was available at 'Sherington on Show' on 11 October 2008. An updated issue was published on 25 July 2009. The most recent issue is March 2015.
- You can also download a copy. It is a 1.21MB PDF file, which can be viewed using Adobe Reader. It is designed to be printed double-sided on A4 paper and then folded in half - the page numbering will then make sense!

Charity Stitchers |
- Charity Stitchers are a group of seven ladies who meet together once a fortnight to make hand made gifts, household items, patchwork cot quilts, lap quilts and all sorts of bags, which are sold to raise money for the McMillan Cancer Unit at Milton Keynes Hospital. Over the three years since the group was first formed, approximately £3000 has been raised through Coffee Mornings and stalls at various events.
- Ladies who wish to join the group will be most welcome. Further details from Josie Sear, Hillview.
Tuesday Coffee Mornings |
- These take place on Tuesday mornings. Members of the group take it in turns to act as host.

The New Thursday Group |
- The group meets on the 1st Thursday evening of each month, usually in the Village Hall. A wide variety of talks, visits and social events are arranged. All ladies are welcome - the evenings normally commence at 8 pm. Further details: Julie Smith (Tel: 615043).

Sherington United Football Club |
- Sherington United FC is a new team for the 2013/4 season and plays in the North Bucks and District League Division 2. Further details on the club's website:
- The previous club, Sherington FC, which also played in the North Bucks and District League, closed in 2011. Report on the 2008/9 season by Jason Giller.
Sherington Short Mat Bowls Club |
- The club meets in the Village Hall from 2pm until 4pm on Mondays, and from 7pm to 9pm on Fridays.
- The Club was formed in April 1990 to provide a much needed facility for older members of the community who needed a daytime activity within the village. It now includes a regular Friday evening meeting. Anyone interested can obtain details from Bob Clarridge, 1 Little End Cottage, Chicheley, Bucks MK16 9JB. (Tel: 01234 391486). Preference will always be given to village residents, although membership is open to all.
- Further details are available on the Club's new web site:

Sherington Historical Society |
- Membership of the Sherington Historical Society is open to everyone interested in the history of the village and recording and preserving this heritage for the benefit of future generations.
- Meetings are held once a month. Membership is £5 per annum (£9 per couple), with £1 per meeting to cover tea and biscuits.
- Further details are available on the Society's own web site or by contacting one of the following:
- Chairman: Mark Vale, Knoll Cottage, The Knoll, and Vice-Chairman: Kay Turrell.
- Treasurer: Diana Morgan, 16 Park Road (Tel: 611389)
- Email address: [email protected]

Brownies |
- The 1st Sherington Brownies, for girls aged 7 to 10 years old, meets in the Village Hall on Mondays from 5.30 to 7pm. Further details: Patsy (Tel: 616009)
Youth Club |
- The Youth Club meets in the Village Hall at 7pm on Wednesdays in term-time.
Further details - Jan-Apr 2011 Programme
Village Hall |
- The Village Hall is the focus for many village activities and is available for hire. It is a registered charity. Further details
The Pavilion and Sports and Recreation Ground, Perry Lane |
- The Sports and Recreation Ground in Perry Lane is a facility which is provided and operated by Sherington Parish Council. The facilities include a Pavilion (which was newly extended in 2009) and a football pitch with changing facilities.The Pavilion can be hired for community events, meetings, parties, etc. Further details
Table Tennis Club |

- New club - starts 13 June 2011. Monday evenings from 7.30pm to 9pm in the Village Hall.
Sessions will consist of structured coaching, game playing and an opportunity to just play socially. The coach and mentor is Jon Hall, who is a qualified English Table Tennis Association coach and is currently ranked number one in Bedfordshire and in the national top one hundred. The table tennis tables, equipment and coaching have been purchased via a grant obtained by Sherington Youth Club. The aim is eventually to compete in local leagues.
- Free of charge for Youth Club members. £2 for others. Adults and juniors, novices and experienced players are all welcome. Further information from Chris (Tel: 07764 364 189)
- This page gives details of the local community organisations, clubs and groups serving the village.
- News from these organisations can be found on the Latest News page, whilst details of their forthcoming events and activities can be found on the
What's On page.
See also the Saméon, |
If your organisation is not listed, |