Sherington Tornado - Wednesday Night 17 October 2012
- Sherington was hit by freak strong winds on the night of Wednesday 17 October 2012, at about 2.20 a.m. on the Thursday morning, causing damage to trees, fences and roofs, particularly in the Carters Close and Village Hall area. There were reports of a very loud noise, like a train, lasting for about 30 seconds.
- Tim Barrass has created a map in GoogleMaps recording the extent of the damage, so the track of the tornado can be determined. The map is interactive, so if you have a Google account you can add your own experiences - just log in and click the red 'EDIT' button. The more people who add their details, the more complete will be this account of what happened. If you don't have a Google account just email Tim with the information and he will add it for you.
- If you would like your own photos of the damage to be featured on this web page, just email us

- Because of film and TV, tornadoes tend to be associated with the United States. However, around 30 tornadoes are reported in England every year, but there is often little publicity as damage is localised. Many tornadoes may go unreported if they occur over fields, rather than built-up areas. Wednesday's storm was only 2 days after the 25th anniversary of the Great Storm of 1987 when there was substantial damage across the UK despite Michael Fish's famous incorrect weather forecast. Local weather stations failed to pick up Sherington's tornado too.