The calendar shows events for the following categories, which are colour-coded:
Parish Council Calendar
UK Holidays
This list is accessed by selecting the small downward arrow next to Agenda in the top right corner. You can turn off the categories you are not interested in by unchecking the appropriate items.
Clicking on an event will produce a pop-up with further details, including in some cases, links to a web page or to show the location on Google Maps. Example:
You can view a single week, a whole month or a list of events, by clicking on the 'Week', 'Month' or 'Agenda' tabs.
You can print the displayed details, or copy them to a PDF file. A preview will appear first, so you can select the best settings.
If you have not already registered with Google, why not do so - it is free. You will then have access to further features such as getting reminders of events by email, or by text message to your mobile. Events can also be copied onto your own Calendar. This can also be used in conjunction with Google Apps on smartphones.
These services are accessed via the Google Calendar icon in the bottom right corner.