- This is our opportunity to give you information that may not be clear elsewhere, so that as your child progresses through Pre-school, you'll know what to expect and what we expect. We're very flexible about most of these arrangements, we simply ask that you keep us informed and let us know of any changes as soon as possible.
- Rising 3's and 3 year olds Children may start at Sherington Pre-school when they are 2 years 6 months old. Most children begin by doing two or possibly three sessions per week. This starts them in gently, and helps them to adapt to being away from parents and carers on a more regular basis than they may have been before. Different arrangements may be possible after a consultation with the Supervisor, and sessions may be added as required. Different children have different needs, and we're happy for parents and carers to remain with the child, if that seems best. We're also equipped to deal with those children who find it difficult to settle. It can be very hard to leave a crying child, and we'll be happy to give you a mid-morning telephone report if you wish.
- Rising 4's and 4 year olds These are the children who will go to school in the following September. This group has different needs from those of the younger children. They will probably be doing 4-5 sessions per week, and we plan activities to help them to progress towards readiness for school. Fun on Fridays is a special afternoon session just for these older children, and we assume that most children in this year group will attend. Each summer term, we consult with parents about Fun on Fridays. In response to parental demand, the Friday sessions may be suspended for the autumn term, when the group is very small and very young.
- Starting school In Milton Keynes, all children start school in the September following their 4th birthdays, entering reception with the whole of their year group. For Pre-school, this means that every summer a large number of children depart, leaving Pre-school very quiet in the autumn term. Children with summer birthdays may only do 3 terms at Pre-school before going to school, while those with autumn birthdays may be with us for up to 6 terms.
- Withdrawal from Pre-school The policy of Sherington Pre-school is to require at least half a term's notice in writing or fees in lieu that your child is to leave Pre-school. Obviously, we are prepared to consider exceptional circumstances, but we feel that this is the fairest policy for children who are already attending, for those who are trying to plan for the future, and for any children waiting for places. If you have completed the registration form section that details where and when you expect your child to start school and these details remain unchanged, this will suffice as written notice. However, if your intentions change during the time your child is at pre-school, it is vital that you let us know.