- Be interested! Talk to your child about Pre-school, enjoy his/her stories, praise artwork and display it at home. Make sure you child is dressed appropriately in clothes that can survive paint, glue, water, etc, and soft shoes that will be safe on the climbing frame, and has the right clothes for outdoor play.
- Fund-raising. In order to supply new equipment and materials, we regularly hold fundraising events. Some involve the children, some have a social element and all are important - please support them!
- Join the committee. This can be an interesting and valuable experience, and is vital to the running of Pre-school. If you'd like to know more about what is involved, speak to any member of staff or the committee.
- Be a rota helper. To maintain our ratio of 1 adult to 6 children, we have a rota of helpers - parents, relatives or other carers. This involves spending 1 morning per half term helping out, and is usually great fun for you and your child.
Rota Helper |
- We hope that you will be able to come in as a rota helper - we would find it difficult to run
Pre-school and maintain the required ratio without you! Most children are pleased and proud to have their special person at Pre-school for a morning each half term, and we hope that you will relax and enjoy the company of the children.
- The staff will undertake to plan particular activities for the rota helper each day. Because there is no such thing as a "typical" day at Pre-school, this won't always be clear until you arrive, and we are always happy for you to fit in and play in a way that best suits you and your child. However, we appreciate that some of you would prefer a more structured approach so here are some general guidelines.
- Please help to prepare for snack time and wash up for us afterwards.
Please ensure that the Home Corner is kept tidy.
Please fetch a member of staff if a child asks you to help in the toilet.
- At tidy time please see to whatever area you have been involved in, and then, if time, the writing table, especially the felt pens (which tend to part company with their lids).
- Please don't worry if your child is especially clingy, or conversely, ignores you. Both are normal!
- Activities that happen most mornings are reading, dressing up, construction toys, craft, drawing and writing, puzzles, table play, sand or water play, home corner, role play, counting activities, games, singing, etc.
- Activities that happen regularly but not every day or week are woodworking, cooking, sewing/textile work, preparations for holidays/festivals, simple science "experiments," outings, drama and probably many more.
- If any of these activities appeal to you, let us know ahead of your rota day, and we will try to ensure that you are involved in something you like!
- A sign up sheet will appear in the lobby each half term - pleases be sure to fill in where you can.
- Finally, please do not let us down at the last minute. This rarely happens, but there are legal implications if we don't have enough adults at Pre-school each day. If you have a problem on the morning, please try to find another helper "at the door", or speak to a committee member.
- Once again thank you very much, and have fun!