- Sherington has a thriving PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association), consisting of parents, staff and anyone else interested in supporting the School.
- The function of the PTFA is not simply that of raising funds, though this is a large and very successful part, it also has an important role in developing the partnership between home and school.
- All parents are welcome to join the PTFA and if you would like to become a member, or helper, please contact the school for further details.
PTFA News |
Date For Your Diary
- Please contact the PTFA if you are able to donate any prizes for the raffle.
- Bag2School
A Bag2School collection will be held on Monday, 9 November. Collection bags are available from the school and filled bags need to be dropped off in the school playground by 9.30 on the morning of 9 November. You can fill the bags with your unwanted quality second-hand ladies', men's and children's clothing, as well as bedding, curtains, soft toys, shoes, belts and handbags. The monies raised at this collection will be equally divided between the PTFA and Children in Need.
- PTFA-sponsored events
The children have been offered the opportunity once again to design their own Christmas cards. We will also be holding a Christmas disco for the all of the children in early December.
26 May 2009
- The PTFA have been very busy this term! Back in March we held a Scholastic Book Fair which was a great success and resulted in £100 of new books for the school library!
- Later that month we held our traditional Easter Disco at Sherington Village Hall for all the children. Once again this was a fun afternoon for everyone…….some parents got involved in the games and dancing too! We also provided prizes and refreshments for the children.
- In April we purchased some hand bells for the school for use in music lessons. The children have really enjoyed using the bells and they will no doubt be making regular appearances at school events!
- This month we provided refreshments at the village May Day celebrations where the children performed their maypole dances. Thank you to everyone who supported us on this day – lots of people helped us set up, serve refreshments and clear away afterwards. We made a great profit of over £100!
- Next month we are holding a Family Fun Day up at the Sports Pavilion in Perry Lane. All children and their families are invited for a picnic followed by fun, games and sporting activities organised by Mini Strikers. We also expect a visit from an ice cream van later in the afternoon!
- Lastly, watch out for some new Eco Friendly Shopping Bags making an appearance soon! The children have all drawn self portraits which will take pride of place on a new school bag. These bags will help raise funds for the PTFA!
- Once again, thank you to everyone at school and in the community who support us and our activities. It all helps make a really successful PTFA and enables us to fund activities and events for the children.
25 January 2009
- Our first Bags2School event was held back in November and raised £42. We pledged half of this to Children In Need, so this brings our total donation to this charity to an impressive £175! Well done everyone!
- Fundraising events planned for this term include a book fair, plant sale, Easter raffle and a further Bags2School event! All these events ensure we can provide additional activities for the children to enjoy!
- This month the PTFA are funding a trip for all the school children to see a performance of “The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch” at Stantonbury Campus Theatre. Using an innovative set, puppets, and sounds of the sea, the children will be transported from the cliffs, across the sea to the lighthouse!
- The other event planned for children to enjoy later this term is an Easter Disco!
23 November 2008
- On Friday 14th November the children at Sherington CE School took time out to think of other children and raise some money for Children in Need.
- We raised money by having a non-uniform day where the children could wear what they wanted to school in return for a small donation. We also had a raffle for a “Pudsey Bear” which was very popular.
- These two events raised an impressive £154 for Children In Need!
- On the same day we also held our Bags2School event where families donated good quality clothing and second hand items. We are still waiting to hear how much we raised from this, but we have pledged that half of these proceeds will also go to Children In Need.
- All in all, a very successful day! Next month we will report on our Book Fair and our fun Bingo evening!
20 October 2008
What have we done so far?
- We have raised £135 so far this term from our ladies night, sale of pantomime tickets and plant sale. This was a great result and meant we were able to fund a school trip to Wild Britain (known formerly as Bedford Butterfly Park). All the children (and adult helpers) had a great time and came back full of interesting facts about butterflies!
- We have also started our Christmas card project (I know it is only October, but these things take time!) and the artwork created by the children has been beautiful.
What is coming up?
- This term we will be running a scheme called “Bag2School” where we can raise money by collecting quality second hand items. The children will return their bags to school on 14th November.
- We hope to raise money for the worthwhile Children in Need event on 14th November. Half of the proceeds from the Bag2School project will be donated along with proceeds raised by a dress down day.
- We will be running a book fair from Monday 24th to Thursday 27th November at school from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. We will have a great selection of books for all ages and will be raising money to supplement the stocks of the children’s library!
- Once again it will be eyes down for a full house after half term as we hold our annual bingo night. This is always a great event as all the children and their parents get involved for a few games of bingo and some hot dogs too!
- As an alternative to the traditional pantomime we are funding a school trip after Christmas to Stantonbury Theatre to see a performance of “The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch”. The children will be able to enjoy an exciting visual delight inspired by the much loved children’s story.
21 September 2008
- WELCOME BACK to everyone after the summer holidays and welcome also to all our new parents and children! Sherington CE School PTFA is currently a small group of mums who organise fund-raising events throughout the year in order to fund some great trips and events for the children. We would love some new parents to join us – please speak to any of us if you are interested or would like to find out more!
- Before we move on to what is happening this term we would like to quickly mention some funds raised at the end of last term. Parents of children leaving Year 2 donated a very generous £95 to put towards a small statue to go in the school grounds. The PTFA will fund the remainder of the cost. Thank you to all the parents that donated – we all look forward to seeing the statue soon!
So how are we raising funds and having fun this term?
- This is a fun evening for mums, governors, staff and friends on Thursday 25th September. It is a chance to meet each other over a glass of wine & refreshments whilst at the same time being able to browse a few stalls for gifts or even Christmas presents! Our stall holders have kindly donated gifts for us to have a fun raffle on the night too!
- We are selling discount price tickets for the MK Theatre pantomime, Peter Pan! The pantomime is always popular with families and ticket sales help raise funds for the PTFA too!
- We are once again offering for sale a selection of beautiful plants at competitive prices which include hanging baskets, bedding plants, heathers & bulbs! For every £10 spent on plants the PTFA gets at least £3!
- We will be running a book fair from Monday 24th to Thursday 27th November at school from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. We will have a great selection of books for all ages and will be raising money to supplement the stocks of the children’s library!
- All children will be invited to take part in creating some very special Christmas cards again this year. The cards depict each child’s seasonal art work and have their photograph on the back, so they make a great keepsake for family and friends!
And what are we raising money for?
- We have two projects planned at present……but watch this space for more events!
- If you have walked past the school recently you will not have been able to miss the oak tree stump that seemed to magically grow over the summer holidays! This fantastic specimen was sourced from Frosts Landscapes by our own in-house wood carver Paula Noble and will be funded by the PTFA. The tree came from the grounds of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in Hanslope. Our stump is a mere branch of the original tree that had a trunk diameter of 8 feet! Paula will be spending the coming months carving this wonderful tree with her “apprentice” Mark Storey using designs drawn up by all the children at school.
- The hole for the tree was dug by Paula and Colin Storey over the two hottest days we had this summer. The tree was fixed into place by the efforts of Adrian Lusted & friends using his trusty digger. Many thanks go to them for all their efforts!
- The whole school will all be going on a visit to “Wild Britain” (formerly known as Bedford Butterfly Park) over in Bedford. It will be a great day out with a tour around Tropical World, a fun workshop learning about mini-beasts and probably some fun on the Hedgehog play trail too!
- We look forward to keeping you updated on all our activities through our articles in SCAN, the notice board outside school and also our website www.sherington.org.uk! In the meantime, keep your eyes on that stump!
Angela, Lara, Marianne and Melanie
Sherington School PTFA
PTFA 2007 - 2008 
- As we approach the end of another school year, Sherington CE School PTFA would like to thank everyone who has helped us raise money over this past year. We have had lots of events to raise money and thought you might be interested in what we did to raise money……and where we have spent it!
- Our main event was the Jubilee Fun Day in June 2007. This involved help from children, parents, staff, many people in the village and some further a field. We ended a lovely day with a profit of £800 which set us up well for our extra curricular activities that we fund for children at our school.
- Throughout the year we have raised money from many events that included bingo nights, plant sales, raffles, Christmas card sales, a mum’s evening, theatre ticket sales and refreshments at events such as the nativity, May Day and sports day. These fund raising activities raised nearly £750! We have also run book fairs where we have been able to provide extra books for the school library.
- The PTFA aims to spend money on events and activities that complement the curriculum and with the guidance of staff at school we’ve funded some fantastic projects, trips and equipment that include:

- A trip to Eco Park
- A visit from China Creations in Olney to decorate pottery mugs
- A Cornelius & Jones puppet show and workshop
- An Easter disco
- A chick project where children could see eggs hatching and chicks developing
- A visit from local sculptor Richard Frost for a 3 day workshop where all children helped create a “Wishing Tree”
- Small items of kitchen equipment
- We are also very pleased to announce that we are funding the purchase of a new cooker and fridge-freezer! This will ensure that Lisa Rogers can continue to provide exciting cookery lessons!
- Later this term we will be holding a Leavers Party for all children at the village hall where The Great Gappo will perform a circus show and help the children learn some new skills such as plate spinning! It will also give the children a chance to say goodbye to their Year 2 friends that will be moving on.
- What a year it has been! Thank you once again to everyone at school and in our local community who has helped us! Look out for the next PTFA fund-raising again from September!
Lara Bruce, Sally Childs, Angela Donaldson & Marie Gartside
March 2008 - PTFA Fundraising Update
- The PTFA are currently fundraising for various projects and events that will be running in the Spring and Summer term. These include:
- Easter Disco
- Easter presents
- A special Easter Chick project
- Two day visit from a sculptor to work with the children
- Summer term trip – to be confirmed
- End of year party
- Leavers presents
- We really value your great support in all our fundraising efforts!!!
EASTER DISCO Saturday 15th March 1:30pm to 3:00pm |
- The Easter Disco was held last Saturday at the village hall and a fantastic time was had by all the children! They were kept entertained by the DJ who taught them every dance from Macarena to the Hokey Cokey……and the PTFA joined in too! After a short break for snacks & drinks it was back to more fun and games. All the children left with a small prize for their great dancing efforts!
EASTER RAFFLE Thursday 20th March |
- This Thursday the annual Egg Rolling competition and Easter Bonnet parade which will be held at 9:30am. All parents are invited to attend. We will be drawing a raffle at this event. The main prize is a fantastic photo printer. There will also be prizes of chocolates and great books for the children. We will be selling raffle tickets each afternoon in the playground at £1 for a strip of five tickets. See Claire if you would like to purchase a ticket!
ZORRO AT MK THEATRE Thursday 8th April 7:30pm |
- We are still able to offer tickets to this fantastic new musical in row C of the Upper Circle for just £13 a ticket – these seats are normally £18.50 so a real saving! If you are interested please can you speak to a member of the PTFA as soon as possible.
- A huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported our book fair! We sold nearly £350 of books! This means that the school gets £140 of free books. A great result!
November 2007 update
- This term we were able to offer reduced price tickets for Aladdin at MK Theatre and this raised £42 for our funds!
- This month the children took part in a Christmas card project where their own artwork was transformed into beautiful quality cards which had their photographs on the back of each card. Each pack of cards sold will raise funds for the PTFA – watch this space for how much we manage to raise.
- On 16 November we held a Bingo Night for the children, family and friends. This was a great night of fun – we had 3 games with a few prizes for the winners of each game. Imagine our surprise when 8 people won the first game at the same time! The hot dogs, cakes and biscuits all went down well – thank you to all parents who donated cakes! At the end of the evening all children left with a lucky dip prize!
- On 27 November we funded a ceramic session for the children with China Creations from Olney. Penny came into school with mugs for the children to decorate as presents for Christmas. All the children had great fun and took a lot of care over decorating their mugs. Even children who were off sick that day didn’t miss out – they had a set from Penny to take home to decorate!
- On 29th and 30th November we held our annual Book Fair. Children and their families were invited to attend and were able to browse a large range of books. Our challenge was to sell £250 of books as if we did this we would be able to choose the same amount of books for the school for free. We managed to sell nearly £300! This was a fantastic result and means the school and PTFA can now choose books up to the value of £300 – thank you to everyone who supported us!
- Don’t forget to come along to our nativity performances at the Church in December. As usual we will be providing refreshments and mulled wine!
 20 October 2007 update
- Using funds raised from our Jubilee Fun Day back in June, the PTFA funded a trip to Eco Park for the school early in September. This was a great success and all the children, staff and parent helpers had a wonderful time. They were able to experience making cookies, picking and cooking vegetables, digging for fossils, panning for gold and enjoying some fun rides too!
- Later in September we organised a “Ladies Evening” where mums past and present, staff, governors and friends got together for a glass of wine, some nibbles and a good chat! We also had the chance to browse a few stalls and also get our nails done too! A lovely time was had by all…..and more funds were raised for the PTFA in the process!
- Following on from the success earlier in the year with our plant sale we once again were able to offer for sale some beautiful hanging baskets, plants and bulbs at competitive prices as part of a fund raising project. This was even more successful than last time and we raised nearly £80.
- Events coming up later this term include a Bingo Night for all children, friends & family, a Christmas book fair, reduced price tickets for the MK Theatre pantomime and an exciting Christmas card project. We will of course also provide the traditional refreshments at the nativity performances in December
- We are finalising some very exciting projects for the rest of this academic year – watch this space for details!
4 July 2007 update
- Once class 2 repairs were fully complete we were able to serve a hot meal again! In line with the topic “Seaside”, the children were served fish fingers, potato wedges, peas and sweetcorn. There was plenty for everyone, with lots of children coming back for seconds!
- Despite a wet May Day, we had a great time serving refreshments down at The Knoll whilst the children did their Maypole dancing display. We raised over £100! Thank you to everyone for supporting us and thanks the parents for their kind donations of cakes!
- We organised a tea towel decorated with self portraits of all the children at the school – the children have also been kind enough to produce portraits of the staff too!
- We have been able to offer for sale hanging baskets, bedding plants and vegetables at competitive prices as part of a fund raising project. This was very successful and we hope to be able to offer further plants later in the year!
- And finally……..on Saturday 30th June we held our Jubilee Fun Day, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the school. It was a great success, despite the showers! The children performed a dance to “Rock Around The Clock” which had been choreographed by Mrs Ravilious. There were plenty of stalls, rides and attractions for the whole family to enjoy…..and we raised over £800 for the PTFA funds. Watch this space for where this money will be spent. A huge thank you to all parents and the many people in Sherington who helped in making this such a wonderful day.
March 2007 update
- The PTFA has continued to contribute to the ‘Healthy Foods’ experiences of our pupils. Reluctantly, we have had to postpone plans recently due to limited working space as a result of the roof damage in Classroom 2 but ----- this is now resolved so ‘culinary experiences’ should resume soon.
- In the last week in February the P.T.F.A. hosted our school’s Book Fair which was very well attended. Proceeds raised from the sales have been put towards the order of some lovely books and the children are looking forward to sharing and reading the new books when they arrive.
- Mothers Assembly was on Friday March 16th and the current P.T.F.A. presented a lovely flower basket to Lisa Rogers in recognition of all Lisa’s hard work on behalf of the P.T.F.A.
- “Two little ducks – 22” and “Number 10, Downing street” – Yes, Bingo came to school on Friday 23rd March. Games and refreshments led to a fun event and it was lovely to see so many there.
- Ideas and plans are now being made, by the P.T.F.A., in preparation for the school’s 50th Golden Jubilee celebrations on June 30th – so watch this space for future information.
