Latest News! Click on the links for further information |
!! Lots of new additions to the website - now 26 Pages!!
- Crofts End and Carters Close will be closed to traffic (except for residents) from 11am to 4pm on Saturday 25 June. Because of traffic problems caused by people parking on both sides of Crofts End during the last Fete, it has been decided that the safest course of action this time is to close Crofts End for the duration of the event. Parking will be clearly signposted for entry from Bedford Road through Bancroft Field down into the field adjacent to the garden.
A letter has been delivered to the residents of these two roads to explain the situation and this letter will help to ensure the bearer has access. The Fete Committee hopes that this will not cause any inconvenience to residents or their families and thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We would also like to take this opportunity to apologise in advance for any noise or other inconvenience during the fete, but hope that this will not spoil your enjoyment of this great village occasion.
- Sadly, a couple of the scarecrows in the High Street appear to have been stolen, including the very realistic looking traffic policeman (photo above right) - it had been realistic enough to cause the traffic to slow down! It beggars belief that there are people in the area who are prepared to steal from those who are supporting good causes.
- Thank you to Veritas IT for sponsoring the boards advertising the Fete web site.
- The Fete Programme will be on sale in the Village Shops and Pubs from Saturday 18th June, price £1, along with the history quiz sheets (see below), also £1.
- Team Challenge - Latest news: all 8 teams have sponsors. The Grand Finale is now the Bex Canoe Race (replacing the tug of war). Abbeymill Homes are sponsoring the Bungee Run.
- Sponsors - Dozens of sponsors coming forward! 108 organisations at the last count! That's 50% more than last time. Thank you! That doesn't include all the individuals - many thanks to you too!
- Grand Auction - Even more excellent items announced!
- Sherington Historical Society - Fun history quiz - Quiz sheets (£1) will be available from the Village Shops and pubs from Saturday 18th June. Prize: family ticket to Bletchley Park.
- Further attractions and entertainment announced. Also, spinning and lace making demonstrations.
- The timings of the various events have now been announced.
- Can you help? - Although our plans are currently being finalised, there are still a few areas where we'd like some more help.
- Community Raffle More details of the many great prizes. Buy your tickets now - available from many sellers in the village and Willen Hospice. If in difficulty contact Jackie Inskipp
(Tel: 216214, e-mail: [email protected])
- OPENING CEREMONY - The Fete will be opened by Paul Grayson, veteran fly half and player/coach with the Northampton Saints. With over 35 caps to his credit, Paul was part of the victorious England World Cup Squad in Sydney in 2003.
- Later in the day we will be joined by Mark Lancaster, our new local MP.
Scarecrows |
- Yes, they're back! First photos of the 2005 SCARECROWS are now online!
- We'd like as many households as possible involved, so get the whole family thinking of their original ideas now! See the Scarecrows page for further details of the Scarecrow Competition.The prize is a family ticket to Gulliver Land. Judging starts on 18 June.
- There were 40 excellent scarecrows in 2003: see Page 1, Page 2, Page 3. Watch out for the 2005 photos on this web site.
'Design the Cover of the Fete Programme' Competition |
- The winners of the Children's Competition to design the Fete Programme Cover have been announced!
- There were 57 entries. The standard was so high that 2 winners were chosen, with half the programmes carrying each design.
- We have all the entries in the Fete Art Gallery