Minutes of the Meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st June 2010 in Sherington Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.
PRESENT: Cllrs Peter Burton (Chair), David Hyde, David Keene, Trevor Kirby, Ian Thomson and John Ager.
ALSO ATTENDING: Wendy Austyn (Clerk), and one other member of the public
3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING After the date was amended to read Tuesday 4th May, the minutes of the meeting held on 4th May 2010 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
4.1 Village Clean Up event Cllrs Keene and Kirby to meet with Youth Club and arrange details. A note has gone in SCAN asking for other volunteers to help. Clerk to find out how much notice is needed by MKC to supply the kits. ACTION: Clerk, Cllr Keene, Cllr Kirby
4.2 Insurance – benches The parish council’s cover has been amended to more appropriately reflect the number and value of benches. The cover is confirmed as restricted to “like for like” replacement value even if new benches are of a different material. The metal benches in the storage hut are in good enough condition to be sited in the village but a skilled metal worker is needed to secure the legs into the ground. Cllr Thomson to arrange. ACTION: Cllr Thomson
4.3 Streetcare walkabout The Highways officer responsible for Streetcare has reported that the walkabouts have ceased and the department is being restructured. Clerk to enquire what the new process will be. ACTION: Clerk
4.4 Cycle path The clerk has chased for progress on this with no response. Cllr Debbie Brock to be asked for help. ACTION: Clerk
Cllr Burton reported that the application to build the shop was approved by the MKC Development Control committee on 27th May 2010, and therefore the village meeting on Saturday 19th June will go ahead as planned to decide the way forward. Ian Toye from the Plunkett Foundation is meeting Cllr Burton on 7th June and will also attend on 19th. There are several conditions attached to the planning approval which a new project committee would have to address. Councillors to deliver flyers advertising the meeting will go to every household during week commencing 7th June. ACTION: Clerk, all cllrs
The parish council has been awarded a total of £1500 matched funding towards improvements to the community woodland. Intended works include better pedestrian access to the site, a new stile and fingerpost signage. Cllr Keene to speak to Sherington Nurseries about a new stile in the first instance. Cllr Keene reported that the area is looking very nice with the pathways having been mown and the trees sprayed. Cllr Kirby reported that very few trees have failed. . ACTION: Cllr Keene
7.1 Monthly Balances Enterprise Account £6377.22; Treasurer Account £2812.43
7.2 Cheques for payment were as follows:
01/06/2010 | Sherington Village Hall | Hall Hire | £22.00 | 101806 |
01/06/2010 | N W Gotts | Internal Audit fee | £67.50 | 101807 |
01/06/2010 | Aon Ltd | Insurance | £1,520.45 | 101808 |
01/06/2010 | A H Contracts | Dog bins | £102.81 | 101809 |
01/06/2010 | Wendy Austyn | Clerk's salary | £182.23 | 101810 |
01/06/2010 | Wendy Austyn | Clerk's expenses | £17.72 | 101811 |
01/06/2010 | Martin Jeeves | Perry Lane caretaker/bookings | £100.00 | 101812 |
01/06/2010 | Nina Beal | Pavilion cleaner | £42.00 | 101813 |
7.3 Annual Return The year end accounts have been signed off by the internal auditor, and annual return was signed by the chairman and will be sent to the external auditor next month. ACTION: Clerk
7.4 Funding update The youth club has been awarded £1200 of matched funding towards table tennis equipment and coaching for which the parish council will act as financial agent; the decision from the Play Area Improvement Fund has been delayed until mid/end June. ACTION: Clerk
8.1 Decisions. The application for the new shop and post office on land adjacent to the village hall on Church Road was approved.
9.1. Cllr Thomson reported that the builder has been asked to address several issues discussed last month regarding the new building. Cllr Burton reported that the flooring contractor has submitted a report from the manufacturer which is to be responded to by the architect before further action is taken. Sherington FC will use the facilities less next season; Willen FC would like to use them more so the fees for both have been adjusted accordingly. The clerk reported that repairs to the car park should be carried out within the next few weeks. . ACTION: Cllr Thomson
10.1. NAG meeting Monday 17th May 7pm Stoke Goldington - no one was available to attend this meeting
10.2. NECAF meeting Wednesday 2nd June 7.30pm Emberton Institute – no one is available to attend this meeting
10.3. Village Hall AGM Thursday 10th June – Cllr Burton will attend. ACTION: Cllr Burton
11.1. Plant Sale - the church have asked for permission to hold the annual plant sale on the Knoll on 12th June. This was agreed. ACTION: Clerk
11.2. Flower Festival – Cllr Keene proposed that a £50 donation be given from the parish council for a flower arrangement, seconded by Cllr Thomson and all agreed. ACTION: Clerk
12.1. Alan Sims reported that the speed gun toting traffic police officer arrived after 9am to carry out a speed check, which was agreed as too late in the morning to highlight the main issue of speeding motorists. It was agreed to pass this comment on to Thames Valley Police. ACTION: Clerk
13.1. Cllr Ager enquired as to the frequency of the verge cutting by MKCACTION: Clerk
13.2. Cllr Hyde commented that the tree survey carried out for the shop planning application made references to “wounds” on trees as a result of crown lifting. It was agreed to enquire as to whether any implied criticism of previous tree pruning was being made.ACTION: Clerk
14. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th July 2010 at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20pm
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